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Adding in vegetarian sources of protein is a great way to boost nutrition and reduce your carbon foot print.  Try adding these plant powerhouse foods to your diet. Quinoa Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is often mistaken as a grain, but is actually a seed cooked like rice.  Quinoa is gluten-free, and a complete protein meaning it contains all 9 of the…

When it comes to maintaining and building muscle, Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s), offer a competitive advantage!  Although they are popular with athletes, BCAA’s offer opportunity to accelerate results, improve body composition, and support recovery for anyone looking to maximize their workouts. Muscles require protein to grow and all proteins are composed of just twenty different amino acids. Like the…

We all know that sticking to a healthy eating plan can be a challenge during the holiday season.  Although the next couple of months will be jam-packed with fun and festivities aimed at a derailing your diet, don’t worry! You don’t have to be the Grinch or give up your goals. With these tips you can enjoy the holidays and…

Incorporating compound exercises to your fitness routine has multiple benefits.  If you want to maximize results and minimize gym time, read on to learn why compound exercises are the answer! Compound Exercise burn more calories! Since they involve more oxygen dependent muscle tissue, the body has to expend more energy which means you burn more calories in less time.  Talk…

Next time your sweet tooth starts taking control, fight back with these tips: Reach for Water and Fruit  Instead of reaching for a cupcake, fill up with a glass of water and fruit.  The combination will not only fill you up, but also help re-train your brain to enjoy a natural sugar threshold fruit provides. Dive into Distraction When you…

Despite the rumors, research does not show celery to contain fewer calories than it takes to digest — so, according to, it doesn’t have “negative calories”. Still, this healthy vegetable has a place in your diet plan. While no single food can cause weight loss, eating celery can help you reduce calorie intake and get your fill of vitamin…

It’s only natural to notice your enthusiasm and motivation waiver with time.  However, if you find your self-talk is giving you more reasons to stop than go the course, it may be time to re-evaluate and implement a fresh perspective. Myth: “The scale won’t budge!  This is a waste of my time and effort.” Truth:  Weight loss takes time and…
